KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition - 2022 - User's Guide

Getting Started

KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition can be accessed using any standard web browser from anywhere on your corporate intranet / extranet or internet.

To access KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition server, you can open the browser and visit http(s)://localhost:portno/ to get connected on the server where it is installed.

If you are on a machine other than on which KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition is installed then visit http(s)://hostname:portno/ where hostname is the name / IP address of the machine where it is installed and 'port number' on which it is configured to be running.

Login Screen

To gain access to KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition, users need to supply their secure user name and password. Once logged in, users can navigate through all accessible documents using My Workspace.

On logging to the KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition, user is presented with his / her workspace. This area is designated as My Workspace.


My Workspace


This module provides a snapshot of the entire document library and applications available to the logged-in user.

User can access every function of the system from right within the My Workspace. Here user is presented with following applications.

  • My Profile
  • Bookmarks
  • Document Tags
  • Recently Viewed Documents
  • Document Classes
  • DocViews
  • Checked Out Documents
  • Recent Access History
  • Document Charts
  • Shared Documents
  • Messages
  • Announcements
  • Discussions

The Main Menu of the system enables user to access various features of the system.

Logged-in users can access each and every module of the system using the main menu of the application. This is a drop down menu which contains following sub menus

  • My Workspace
  • Control Panel (Only for Administrators)
  • Add Document
  • My Profile

Along with the sub menus the menu also contain a global search feature that enables user to enter any term which s/he would like to search in the entire document repository.

Main Menu

My Workspace

Under this sub menu of the application, users can access following menu items / actions

  • Document Classes
  • DocViews
  • Messages
  • Checked Out Documents
  • Announcements
  • Discussions
  • Bookmarks
  • Search Notes
  • View Exception Logs

Control Panel (Only for Administrators)

Under this sub menu of the application, administrator type of users can access following menu items / actions

  • Manage User
  • Manage Groups
  • Manage Document Classes
  • Manage Indexes
  • Manage Lists
  • Manage ACL Templates
  • Manage Hotlinks
  • Manage Announcements
  • Manage Discussions
  • Manage Global Settings
  • Manage Jobs
  • System Reports
  • Recycle Bin
  • Utilities

Add Document

Users can upload / store documents using this function of the system


Here user can see and edit his/her profile, preferences, password and picture

  • My Profile
  • Logout


  • User's Guide
  • Administrator's Guide (Only for Administrators)
  • Web Services API Guide (Only for Administrators)

This feature allows user to search across all Document Classes to which s/he has at least read permissions.

Users can use operators like 'OR', 'AND', 'NOT' along with wild-card characters to search documents. For example :

  • Trey OR 60035 - This will search all documents which will contain either Trey or 60036 anywhere in the document indexes and other meta-data fields and content of the document.
  • Trey AND 60035 - This will search all documents which will contain both the term Trey and 60036 anywhere in the document indexes and other meta-data fields and content of the document.
  • Trey NOT 60035 - This will search all documents which will contain only the term Trey and not 60036 anywhere in the document indexes and other meta-data fields and content of the document.
  • Gains* - This will search all the terms which starts with Gains anywhere in the document indexes and other meta-data fields and content of the document.
Global Search Results

Document Classes are nothing but a group of similar documents. Document which are similar in its functional capabilities are grouped under a particular Document Class. For example, Invoices, Purchase Orders, Shipping Confirmations etc.

On clicking My Workspace -> Document Classes link on the main menu of the system, user will be presented with a list Document classes to which s/he has at least read permissions. The number of Document Classes on the page is restricted by the hit-list size parameter of user’s preferences.

Document Classes

To view all the documents in the Document Class user can click on name of the Document Class. This will open up a hit list of document.

Open Document Class

Please refer to Document Hit-list section of this document for further details.

Logged-in user can perform various searches on a particular Document Class on document indexes and meta-data. To search within a Document Class user can click on Search icon associated with Document Class. User is presented with Basic Search and Advance Search option in this module of the system.

Basic Search

User can search across all document indexes using this simple search feature. User can use BOOLEAN search mechanism by using keywords like "AND" , "OR" , and "NOT" to perform searches across all indexes and other meta data of the document.

Basic Search

To search documents user can enter any of the criteria and click on Show Hits button. The resultant document hit-list will display all documents which matches users search criteria.


Advance Search

Users can perform searches across all indexes in a Document Class. User can select from multiple operators to perform a search across indexes.

Advance Search

These operators are as given below.

  • Is
  • Is Not
  • Like
  • Not Like
  • Is Greater Than
  • Is Lesser Than
  • Between
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty

Along with indexes, users can also perform searches on following meta-data fields

  • File Name
  • Document ID
  • Content Search
  • Creation Date (Created On)
  • Last Modification Date (Last Modified On)
  • Expiry Date (Expiry On)
  • Document Type
  • Created By
  • Last Modified By
  • Search all revisions

Document class statistics are also displayed with the search filters.

To search documents user can enter any of the criteria and click on Show Hits button. The resultant document hit-list will display all documents which matches users search criteria.

Search Results

User can perform index search across all the Document Classes to which s/he has at least read permissions. User will enter search text and click on the Search button to get a search result.

All the indexes across each of the Document Classes are queried by the system and matching results are displayed to the user. If matching value is found in the Document Class and if user has access to this Document Class then it will be displayed along with matching number of documents.

Advance Search Results

Please refer to Document Hit-list section of this document for further details.

To add a new document into existing Document Class, user can use this option. The option of adding a document is available only to those users who have create/add permissions on the Document Class. Clicking on Add Document link will open a page where user can select a document to upload from his/her workstation.

User must select a document and a Document Class to upload/capture a document into the system. User must also enter all the required / mandatory indexes defined for Document Class in order to store / upload the document to the system.

Add Document Form

Users can add document to the repository directly from the main menu Add Document action as well. In this case user first have to select a Document Class, on selection of the class, all other meta-data indexes and document selection control will be displayed to the user.

On clicking the Save button, the document will be uploaded to the server system and stored in the selected Document Class along with index information.

User must input all mandatory fields in order to upload the document to the system.

Users can also upload more than one document in a single go using the Bulk Upload feature of the system. Once user clicks on Bulk Upload link, bulk upload page is displayed to the user.

User can select documents to be uploaded by clicking on the Add Document button or by simply dragging and dropping documents on the area marked.

Bulk Upload Document Form

On clicking the Save button, the documents will be uploaded onto the server in bulk mode.

Users have access to a dashboard for each Document Class. The Document Class Dashboard provides a birds-eye view of documents available in the Document Class.

Document Class Dashboard

To get notifications on changes made on documents, user can subscribe to various events on a Document Classes. User can subscribe to following events for a particular Document Class.

  • Batch Import
  • Document is added
  • Document is edited
  • New version of document added
  • Document marked as deleted
  • Document marked as expired
  • Document is expiring in X-days
Manage Subscriptions

User can choose appropriate check boxes and click on a Save button to subscribe.

KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition provides a highly sophisticated mechanism to display Document Classes in a tree format.

Document Class Tree View

Users can view Document Classes and on expanding them they can see indexes associated with it. On expanding the indexes, users can view the values assigned to the indexes.

Document Class Tree View - Hitlist

On clicking the index values, user will be redirected to the page where all documents having the same index value will be displayed to the user.

Document Hit-list displays all the matching documents from various searches or all documents from Document Classes.

Document Hitlist

Depending upon the permissions assigned to logged-in user, s/he can perform many actions on a document. Please refer following section for more details

If users have delete permissions assigned on the Document Class then a Delete link will be available to the user to delete documents. User must select at least one document by selecting the document to be deleted using associated checkbox.

Users can perform this activity on head revision of the document and only on those documents which are not locked. On clicking the link a confirmation is taken from the user and then delete operation is carried out.

Delete Documents

On completion of delete operation, documents are moved to Recycle Bin of the system (accessible to administrators only) in Control Panel. These documents are no longer accessible by other end users unless they are restored back from Recycle Bin.

If users have download permissions assigned on the Document Class then a Download as Zip link will be available to the user to download documents in zip file format. User must select at least one document by selecting the document to be downloaded using associated checkbox.

Users can perform this activity on head revision of the document and only on those documents which are not locked. On clicking the link a zip file is generated by the system and made available for download to the end user.

User with appropriate permissions can move multiple documents from one Document Class to another.

Once user selects documents by clicking on the checkbox and click on Move Documents link, user will be presented with available list of Document Classes to which documents can be moved.

Move Documents

If users have applied any filter while searching the Document Class then a link will be available to the user to Save as DocView.

Save as DocView from HitList

On clicking this link, user will be redirected to a page where s/he need to enter DocView Name and DocView Description and save the hit-list as DocView

Document Hit-list can be exported in excel format by clicking on Export to Excel button available below the document list.

The resultant excel sheet will contain all matching records which are available in hit-list in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 format (.xlsx).

User can perform diverse range of operation on the documents by clicking on and selecting any of the following action available according to access permissions from resultant hit list.

User can view the document by using this action. KRYSTAL Document Viewer will display the document from within the browser directly if it is supported. Otherwise document can be opened by native application installed on the logged in user’s desktop.

KRYSTAL Document Viewer is a pure HTML based document viewer that enables users to perform a variety of imaging functions like zoom-in, zoom-out, rotate, annotate etc.

View Document

Users can toggle the display of the thumbnails for each page of the document.

If users have appropriate permissions then s/he can create annotations like highlights, blackout, sticky notes, rubber stamps, notes etc.

Users can also put rubber stamp annotation on each page of the document in a single click.

Users with write permissions can edit the indexes associated with the document.

Indexes are displayed besides the document in editable format if user has permissions to edit values.

This action is available only if the document is not checked out by any user. If the document is checked out then the indexes will not be available for editing to the users of the system.

Edit Document Indexes

Apart from index values users can also define the expiry date for the document using this feature of the system.

Properties of the document is displayed in a tabular manner in this section of the View Document module.

Properties like Document ID, Revision ID, File Name, File Size, Created By etc are displayed here.

Document Properties

Document can be rated using this feature of the system.

Document Rating Form

User can only rate a document revision once. Total ratings and number of votes are also displayed on the document view page.

Document can be shared to other users of the system, or as an attachment in an email by users who have email permission or can be shared as a URL link. Users can also share documents with Annotations.

Share with User

Share Document with User

Share as Attachment

Share Document

User can select email addresses to which s/he has shared documents earlier by clicking on the "Select..." button available.

On clicking the button, a popup window is displayed to the user from where user can search email and select email addresses by clicking on the checkbox associated with each email address. User can click on "Done" button to close the popup window after selecting the desired email addresses.

Select Email Addresses

Share as Attachment with Annotations

Share Document with Annotations

Document which can be viewed in the KRYSTAL Document Viewer can also be shared with annotations on it.

Share as Link

Share Document as Link

Users can also share documents as a link with an expiration date and time. A link will be sent to the recipient and within permitted time,recipient can view the document in read only format by clicking on the shared link.

User must enter a valid email addresses separated by commas and provide the comments before sharing the document. The comments entered by the user will be added to the email and sent to the email addresses.

User can bookmark the document for future retrieval and easy access.

Bookmark Document

User can input the name for the bookmark and click on the Save button and the bookmark will be available in bookmarks section of the My Workspace.

Document Tags are labels that you can add on documents to help you describe them.

Unlike subjects in the meta-data indexes of the document, you don't have to choose tags in a closed list. You are free to apply the labels that describe the document best.

Document Tag Form

Users can add any labels / tags on a document for quick and easy searching. Users can add and delete document tags created by him/her using this feature of the system. Administrator user can delete any tag applied by any user.

Users with write /edit permissions can move document from one Document Class to another. User will be presented with a page which will allow user to select a Document Class to which the document needs to be moved to.

Move Document Form

On selecting the Document Class, and clicking on Submit button, all indexes from that class will be displayed to the user with matching indexes being populated from source Document Class.

Move Document To Other Class Form

On clicking the Submit button, selected Document will be moved from Source Document Class to Destination Document Class.

Only document with the initial revision of the document can be moved from one Document Class to another. Any revision of document greater than 1.0 is not allowed to move from one class to another.

Document Actions

Users can also perform many other actions on the document depending upon the rights (permissions) assigned to the users and the staus of the document.

Users can download document, download document's content and revise document with check-out and check-in features available in the system.

User with download permissions can download the document by clicking this action button. On clicking this action the document will be downloaded on the logged in user’s desktop and user can save this document on his/her desktop

Download Document

User with download permissions can also download the content which is extraced from the document by clicking this action button. On clicking this action the document content will be downloaded on the logged in user’s desktop and user can save this document content on his/her desktop once the extraction process is completed.

Download Document Content

KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition allows users to check-out and check-in documents in to repository. Users with check-out permissions can check out document from a Document Class by clicking the Check-out button. The document is then downloaded on the local machine into a pre-defined path set by user in the preferences.

If revision control is enabled on the Document Class and if the document is not checked-out and if the logged in user has checkout permissions then s/he can check out the document to his/her desktop for modifications.

Document Checkout Done

The original document will not be edited / changed / modified in the repository.

To check-in the document back into repository, users can use this feature of the system.

Document Check-in

If document is checked out and if the user has check in privileges / permissions then and then only this action will be available on the document. User must select a document and define the version (Major / Minor) and submit the form to check in the document in the repository.

Comments added while check in of the document will be considered as a note on the document. Both, old and new version of the document will be available in repository for searching and access.

User can cancel the checkout of the document by clicking on this button. The document will then be marked as available for checkout. This action of cancelling the checkout will be registered in Revision History of the document.

Cancel Document Checkout


Cancel Checkout

The document will now be available again for editing by other users who have checkout permissions on the Document Class.

Users with edit permissions can change / rename the document if the document is not checked out. On clicking the Rename Document button, an modal dialog is displayed to the user. User can then change the file name / document name by entering a value in appropriate field and save the changes by clicking on Rename button.


Rename Document

Users with delete permissions can delete the document if the document is not checked out. On clicking the Delete Document button, an alert will appear for confirmation to delete the current document.


Delete Document Alert

On confirming the delete action, the document will be marked as deleted.

Delete Document

Document will then move to Recycle Bin from where it can be restored or deleted permanently by the administrator user.

PDF Actions

Users can also perform many other actions on the document depending upon the rights (permissions) assigned to the users and the staus of the document.

Users can download document, download document's content and revise document with check-out and check-in features available in the system.

If the document is of type PDF and user have rights to revise the document then s/he can append pages by selecing a pdf file which contains additional pages which are to be appended to the existing document.

Append Pages to PDF Document

On completion of this activity, the document will be marked as revised and automatically a new minor version of the document is created which contains additional pages appended to it. The earlier version of the document remains exactly as it is without any changes to it.

If the document is of type PDF and user have rights to revise the document then s/he can insert pages by selecing a pdf file which contains additional pages which are to be inserted to the existing document. User must select the page number after which pages are to be inserted.

Insert Pages to PDF Document

On completion of this page insert activity, the document will be automatically revsied to a new minor version with additional pages inserted in selected location. The earlier version of the document remains exactly as it is without any changes to it.

If the document is of type PDF and user have rights to revise the document then s/he can delete pages from existing document. User can select multiple pages by clicking on the page numbers and then clicking on Delete button.

Delete Pages to PDF Document

After confirming the delete pages action, the document will be revised to a new minor version with selected pages being deleted from it. The earlier version of the document remains exactly as it is without any changes to it.

Certain documents are difficult to be classified in document classes as they are supporting documents for a specific document. Such files / images / documents can be added as an attachment to a document.

While viewing a document, user gets an option to add attachment to the document. User can click on the attachment tab associated with the document to manage attachments for the document.

Document Attachments

Users can download the attachement by clicking Download link associated with attachment. To view the attached document, user can click on View link associated with attachment. The attachment document will open in new tab / window of the browser.

Add Attachment

A form is available to the user where user can choose the file / document to be added as an attachment along with title and keywords for attachment.

Add Document Attachment

User can click on Add Attachment button to add the attachment

Remove / Delete Attachment

Administrators or users who have created or added the attachments can remove these attachments by using Delete link associated with the attachment record. A confirmation is taken before the attachment is removed from the Document.

This feature displays a complete access history of the document by all users. It displays the action, user name, IP address, date and time of the action, type of object, parameters and comments as given below.

Document Access History

This action provides a complete Audit Log Details of the document, starting from the day it is created. Users will be able to track every activity performed on a particular document using this feature of the system.

Users can also filter the access history by date using the form available on this section.

If a document is stored in a Document Classes with revision control enabled, then this section will be displayed to the user. User can view the complete revision history of the document by using this feature.


Revision History

Users can access documents which are hot-linked to current document using this tab of the system. If there are multiple Document Classes linked with current document's Document Class then multiple hot-link items will be displayed.

Document Hotlink

List of all matching documents from hot-linked Document Class will be displayed on click of the menu item. If no documents are matching then appropriate message is displayed to the user.

If user has CREATE permissions on the Hotlinked Document Class then s/he will also have option to add or bulk upload documents to that class by clicking on the appropriate icons.

DocViews are similar to the views made on database tables or can be used as saved searches. In this case the database tables are replaced by Document Classes. A snapshot of Document Class is known as a DocViews.

DocViews (Document Views)

Just like database views, DocViews also provides a read only access to the selected Document Classes. Users with administrative privileges can create Public and Private DocViews. Normal users can create views which are Private and are accessible only by them.

Users can access public DocViews created by administrator and his/her own private DocViews from DocViews section of My Workspace. DocViews can also be accessed from My Workspace -> DocViews menu from top navigation bar.

User can perform various actions on the DocViews using this section of the system.

To create a DocView, click on Add DocView link on this section.

Following steps are required for creation of DocView.

Select Document Class

In STEP 1 of the process, the user is asked to select a Document Class from the available Document Classes to create a DocView.

DocViews - Step 1

Select Document Class Indexes

In STEP 2 of the process, the user is asked to select at least one index from the selected Document Class to create a DocView.

DocViews - Step 2

After selecting Document Class, user will be asked to select indexes from the selected Document Class. User can set search criteria at this stage for each of the index available in selected Document Class.

If the user has administrative privileges then option of creating a public DocView will be present for this user, otherwise the DocView will be private.

User must enter all mandatory fields and click on the Save button to create the DocView.

The newly created DocView will appear under DocViews section of My Workspace. User can click on Open link to view all the documents qualified by the DocView or can use Search link to further refine the search of the documents.

Public DocViews are accessible by all the users of the system. Private DocViews are only accessible to the logged in user. Administrator user can however manage all the DocViews.

Administrator or users who have created the DocView can delete a DocView by selecting the DocView and clicking on the Delete link associated with the DocView

On clicking the Delete link, a confirmation is taken from the user and on confirming the delete operation DocView will be deleted from the system. DocView deleted once cannot be recovered.

Checked Out document can be accessed through My Workspace -> Checked out Documents menu of the top navigation bar. Here list of checked out document will be displayed to the user.

Checked Out Documents

User can view document, view document properties, revision history by clicking on appropriate link associated with the checked-out document.

This section also displays name of the Document Class, checkout path and date and time of the checkout along with actions to cancel the checkout or check in the document in the repository.

Messages feature of the KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition allows users of the system to collaborate with one another. All messages sent or received by the user are listed on this section of the system.


Users can send each other messages by just mentioning thier username preceding with @ symbol. For example @administrator.

The mentioned user will receive an instant message on her/his workspace and also an email will be sent to the mentioned user along with the message sent by the sender.

Add Message Form

These messages are also displayed under the messsages section of the My Workspace module of the system

User can delete his/her sent messages by clicking on the Delete link associated with the message. On clicking the delete link confirmation is taken from ther user and then delete action is performed on the message.

Messages which are deleted by the user will not be available to other mentioned users as well.

Documents shared with the users or by the user are listed in this section of the application. Users can also remove the sharing of the document if required.

User can view all documents shared with him/her by using this section of the application.

Documents Shared With Me

To view the document, user can click on View Document link associated with the shared document record.

In this section of the application, logged in user can see all documents which are shared by him/her.

Documents Shared By Me

To view the document, user can click on View Document link associated with the shared document record.

User can remove the sharing of the document by clicking on the Remove Share link associated with the shared document record. On clicking the Remove Share link, a confirmation dialog is displayed to the user and on confirming the same, document sharing is removed.

User can view all the announcements by clicking on My Workspace -> Announcements menu on top navigation bar.


In this module all the available announcements are displayed to the user for the currently logged-in. To view the details about the announcement, user can click on the title of the announcement.

View Announcements

User can view all the discussions which are active, by clicking on My Workspace -> Discussions menu on top navigation bar.


In this module all the available discussions are displayed to the user for the currently logged-in. To view the details of the discussion, user can click on the title of the discussion.

View Discussion

User can enter a comment / posting for the current discussion and click on the SUBMIT button to post a comment on the discussion.

Users can bookmark documents to retrieve the documents at later date in a single click.

Users can have multiple bookmarks for multiple documents. User can manage all these bookmarks using this module of the system.

To gain access to the bookmarks module, user can click on My Workspace -> Bookmarks link from the main menu of the system. Alternately, user can also click on Bookmarks title link available on the Bookmarks section of the My Workspace screen.


User can delete a bookmark by clicking on the Delete Bookmark link associated with the bookmark

Document Tagging is the general process of adding extra information to documents. Users can then search document easily and intuitively using these.

Users who have enabled Document Tags in their preferences can see the Document Tags on My Workspace section as shown below.

Document Tags

On clicking a tag assigned by the user, all document which are tagged will be displayed to the user for quick access.

Document Tag - Hitlist

User can click on View Document link to view the document from here

Logged-in user can view his / her complete access history when Access History preference is enabled by him/her.

My Workspace shows most recent ten items to the user once he accesses the My Workspace section.

Recent Access History

On clicking the View All link on this section, user will be presented with complete access history.

My Access History

This section details Utilities available to the user of KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition.

Users can use Search Notes utility from My Workspace module to search notes by particular user, on particular Document Class.

Users can search notes by using My Workspace -> Search Notes menu from top navigation bar.

Search Document Notes

User need to enter search text and select at least one Document Class and at least one user to perform the search.

On clicking the Search button, matching records are displayed to the user as depicted below.

Search Document Notes Results

Here user can view the document on which note is posted by clicking on View Document link.

Exceptions occurred during the current session of the user can be viewed using this module of the system. Users can view exception logs by clicking on My Workspace -> View Exception Logs menu on top navigation bar.

As shown below, this module will display Exception Title and Date time when the exception has occurred.


View Exception Details

To view details of the exception user can click on Exception Title or Date time. Here following details are displayed for each exception.

  • Exception Title
  • Exception Date Time
  • Exception Details
Exception Details

The My Profile menu item allows users to manage their profile information. Users can use following options.

Logged-in user can view his/her details and can change his/her profile picture.

My Profile

User can click on the profile picture and choose a picture to change profile picture.

Other details of user like email, groups assigned etc are available on this section of the system

Logged-in user can change his/her Real Name and Mobile number using this module of the system.

Profile picture can also be deleted by the user by clicking on the Delete link listed below the profile picture. On clicking the link, confirmation dialog is displayed to the user and on confirmation of the delete operation the profile picture of the user is deleted from the system.

Users of KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition can customize various settings for the application using this module. This module allows user to set system preferences. User can define settings for hit-list size, hits columns, checkout path etc here. User can turn-on or turnoff the hit list columns and thumbnails in document viewer.


To save these preferences user should click on Submit button. The preferences will take effect immediately for the user in current logged in session.

Change password utility will help user to change his / her password.

The password must match following criteria.

  • Must of 8 character or more in length
  • Must contain at least one UPPER CASE letter
  • Must contain at least one LOWER CASE letter
  • Must contain at least one NUMERIC character
  • Must contain at least one SPECIAL character
Change Password

Only if the current password is matching with the user’s current password and new password and confirm password are same and at least 8 characters in length then it will be changed by clicking on the Submit button.

To logout from the system, users can use this menu item under My Profile menu of the system. On click of the logout menu, confirmation is taken from the user and on confirming the action user is logged out from the system and appropriate message is displayed to the user. Logout Confirmation

To gain access to the system, user must enter his/her credentials.

This module allows users to gain access to his/her password. Users must enter his/her Username and registered email id to gain access to password.

Forgot Password

On submitting the details, if the details are valid then KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition will generate a link to reset the password and send the link to the registered email address (Email ID) of the user.

Reset Password Email

User can now use this link to reset the password. The link is valid only until next 30 minutes only.

Reset Password Form

Documents in KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition are viewed using KRYSTAL Document Viewer. This is pure HTML based viewer. The KRYSTAL Document Viewer comes bundled with KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition system.

The KRYSTAL - Document Viewer provides following functionalities to the in the browser.

  • Zoom In / Zoom Out
  • Rotate Document
  • Page Thumbnails
  • Pan Document
  • Annotations
    • Highlight
    • Readact / Blackout
    • Stick Notes
    • Notes
    • Rubber Stamps
    • Ellipse
  • Print Document (If print permission is assigned)
  • Full screen
Document Viewer

If document format is not supported by KRYSTAL - Document Viewer then it will allow user to view the document in its native application installed on clients desktop.

Document Viewer - Un supported document

KRYSTAL DMS - Premium Edition supports following formats to be viewed in the KRYSTAL - Document Viewer

  • Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF)
  • Portable Document Format (*.PDF)
  • Microsoft Office - Word (*.DOC and *.DOCX)
  • Microsoft Office - Excel (*.XLS and *.XLSX)
  • Microsoft Office - Power point (*.PPT and *.PPTX)
  • Text Documents (*.TXT)
  • Portable Network Graphics (*.PNG)
  • Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.JPG and *.JPEG)
  • Bitmaps (*.BMP)
  • Open Office Documents (*.ODT , *.ODP etc)

Users with edit permissions on the document can create following annotations on the document.

  • Highlight
  • Readact / Blackout
  • Stick Notes
  • Notes
  • Rubber Stamps
  • Circle / Ellipse

Users can annotate document with any of the annotation type mentioned above.

Document Viewer - Highlight document
Document Viewer - Readact document
Document Viewer - StickyNote
Document Viewer - RubberStamp document
Document Viewer - Circle /  Ellipse Annotation

User can delete the annotation created by him/her by selecting the annotation and then clicking on the Delete icon available on the annotation toolbar.

Delete Annotation

On clicking the delete icon, a confirmation is taken from user to delete the annotation. The changes are only saved once the user clicks the save icon on annotation toolbar.

Notes can also be added to the document using the notes feature of the KRYSTAL Document Viewer.

Document Viewer - Notes

User can only delete notes on the document which are posted by him or her. To delete a note user can click on delete icon associated with the note and on confirming the delete operation the note will be deleted.

Document Viewer - Delete Notes

Administrators and users who have created annotations can modify the annotations. Users can delete annotation created by him or her by selecting the annotation and then clicking on the delete icon on annotation toolbar.

Users with print permission on the Document Class can print the document by clicking on the print icon available on the Document Viewer toolbar.

Document Viewer - Print Document

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Last updated on May 21, 2020 12:30 IST